Burger Joint201919 in. x 29 in. Watercolor, Gouache, Acrylic InkWhat if lint is the new form of cheese and then there’s a lint burger joint?I am creating a fantastical world that is playful, humorous, and absurd. Lint is now consumable.  This f…

Burger Joint


19 in. x 29 in. 

Watercolor, Gouache, Acrylic Ink

What if lint is the new form of cheese and then there’s a lint burger joint?

I am creating a fantastical world that is playful, humorous, and absurd. Lint is now consumable. This fast food restaurant sells lint-based food. There’s lint burgers, lint beverage, lint pastries, lint burrito, and more! Did you notice the many rows of washing machines in the back mass producing lint?


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