Hi again, let’s go see our art!, 2021

Hi again, let’s go see our art!


Watercolor, acrylic ink, gouache, and watercolor paper

What if we get together and see each other’s art again? It’s been a little over a year and the Class of 2020 is having a grand exhibition. Let’s gather all the majors together and celebrate. The Bear, Orange, Protractor, Spool of Thread, Painting, Camera, and the Paint Tube are meeting up after a year. They’re excited to be viewing art again in the same space.

Project Partner - Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA)

About the project

An Illustration that was created for a gallery exhibition titled “Back In My Day…” honored the Class of 2020 that attended the Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA) who graduated during the pandemic. 

As a CIA 2020 alum, I am happy and excited to be selected to create a fun quirky illustration for the exhibition’s brochures, mailers, and other additional materials. Thank you to everyone that was able to attend the exhibition and support the Class of 2020!

The above images are used for mailers, brochures, and other additional marketing materials.


Vaccine Victory


Grand Piano Pursuit